Thursday, February 5, 2009

Master Gardener Class

What a great day we had in my Master Gardener's class. We learned about herbicides, pesticides and organic gardening. I don't think I will use any chemicals on my garden. Someone said that they had read that urine was good for a garden. Our instructor said that s/he didn't want to be quoted, but that "clean urine" is actually good for the garden. What is clean urine?

Saturday, Farmer D is going to help me build two raised-bed gardens. Famer D is a very interesting person and his website is He is only 32 and has been an organic gardener and volunteer for ten years and now has a garden store in Savannah, GA. One of his projects was a prison garden.

I saw his exhibit at the Southeastern Flower Show and it blew me away. His exhibit was awarded a National Garden Club Award for Conservation (and a bunch of others). The judges said that "he demystified organic gardening" and showed us how to be "better stewards of the earth." Having him or his brother do this seems like I'm going to start my garden right. They are going to fill my beds with their organic mulch. He makes it from scraps he collects from Whole Foods Markets. I've seen his plants. They are strong and large for organic.

I am posting a "before" photo of my "plots." Monday I will show you the "after" photo. My seedlings are coming up rapidly.

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